@ Le compte est bon pour HP48
(c) Paul Courbis (http://www.courbis.fr) - tous droits reserves
-> P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 T
EXTERNAL #4E2CF @ Remove menu-bar
@ Reserve scratch area
@ Will be included into lceb itself. But for debug reasons...
gosbvl #0679B ; Save registers
lc(5) #800 ; 1024 chars
st=0 (10) ; GC flag
gosbvl #05B7D ; Reserve
gosbvl #067D2 ; Restore
l0 ?d<>0 (a) ; Space on stack (will be deleted)
goyes ok
?st=0 (10)
goyes gc
err la(5) #00100
govlng #05023 ; Erreur
gc gosbvl #0613E
st=1 (10)
goto l0
ok d=d-1 (a) ; Push string onto stack
d1=d1- 5
dat1=a (a)
a=dat0 (a) ; return to RPL
d0=d0+ 5
@ DUP XOR NOT 'DEBUG' STO DEBUG @ Debug : store scratch area...
@ Donnees en entree :
@ Niveau 8 : Plaque 1 (System Binary)
@ Niveau 7 : Plaque 2 (System Binary)
@ Niveau 6 : Plaque 3 (System Binary)
@ Niveau 5 : Plaque 4 (System Binary)
@ Niveau 4 : Plaque 5 (System Binary)
@ Niveau 3 : Plaque 6 (System Binary)
@ Niveau 2 : Total a atteindre (System Binary)
@ Niveau 1 : Scratch area (String)
; *************************
; * Quelques dfintitions *
; *************************
; Zone de stockage des plaques (12 quartets)
PLAQUE1 equ #800F5
PLAQUE2 equ #80101
PLAQUE3 equ #8010D
PLAQUE4 equ #80119
PLAQUE5 equ #80125
PLAQUE6 equ #80131
SCRADDR equ #8013D ; Save of scratch area address
BUFFER equ #80142 ; Text buffer
BUFFERF equ #8016E
ATTNC equ #807F7
; *******************************
; * Dbut du programme lui-mme *
; *******************************
c=dat1 (a) ; Read string address
c=c+10 (a) ; Start of scratch area (history)
r3=c ; Start of scratch string. We'll compute pointers later
d1=d1+ 5
d=d+1 (a) ; Drop scratch area
cd0ex ; Save D0
a=0 (w)
gosbvl #06641 ; Pop SB (Total) into A field A
asl (w)
asl (w)
asl (w)
r4=a (m) ; R4 = value to reach
gosub GETPL ; Get plaque 6
gosub GETPL ; Get plaque 5
gosub GETPL ; Get plaque 4
gosub GETPL ; Get plaque 3
gosub GETPL ; Get plaque 2
gosub GETPL ; Get plaque 1
c=rstk ; Restore D0
d0=c (a)
gosbvl #0679B ; Save registers
gosubl DISPST
c=r3 ; Scratch area start
d1= SCRADDR ; Save scratch start
dat1=c (a)
d1=c ; save stack area
d1=d1- 12 ; Points level 0 (first lev. is lev. 1)
la(5) 6*#C ; 6*12 nibs
c=c+a (a)
d0=c ; scratch pointer
dc(4) #5B18 ; c=pc ; Address of HERE3
c=c+a (a)
r2=c (a) ; R2 is orders pointer
d=0 (w) ; Clear history
a=0 (w)
r1=a ; Clear best history
a=0 (w)
a=a-1 (w) ; Distance and length set to #FFFF...FFF
gosub TESTPL ; First : test plaques alone...
d=0 (w) ; Reset solution
st=1 (0) ; New solution : plaque...
THEFIN inton
gosubl INITD
gosub FIN
dt " Recherche termine ! "
dc(2) #00
FIN c=rstk
gosubl PUTTIB
la(5) 7*8 ; Display on last line
gosubl DISPT
la(5) 55 ; 8*7 - 1
gosubl REVERT
d0(5)= #0010B ; Turn alert off
a=dat0 (p)
abit=0 (3)
dat0=a (p)
gosbvl #067D2 ; Restore registers
; Time measurements => mark end
; a=0 (a)
; r0=a
; gosbvl #06537
a=dat0 (a) ; Return to RPL
d0=d0+ 5
; *******************************
; * Get System Binary as plaque *
; *******************************
GETPL a=0 (w)
gosbvl #06641 ; Pop SB (Total) into A field A
dat0=a (12)
; ************************
; * Display initial text *
; ************************
gosubl INITD
gosub DISPST1
dt "Total recherch : "
dc(2) #00
DISPST1 c=rstk
gosubl PUTTIB
a=r4 (m)
gosubl PUTAIB
a=0 (a)
gosubl DISPT
gosub TEXTPL
lc(2) "1"
gosub TXTPL2
la(5) 8+4
gosubl DISPT
gosub TEXTPL
lc(2) "2"
gosub TXTPL2
la(5) 2*8+4
gosubl DISPT
gosub TEXTPL
lc(2) "3"
gosub TXTPL2
la(5) 3*8+4
gosubl DISPT
gosub TEXTPL
lc(2) "4"
gosub TXTPL2
la(5) 4*8+4
gosubl DISPT
gosub TEXTPL
lc(2) "5"
gosub TXTPL2
la(5) 5*8+4
gosubl DISPT
gosub TEXTPL
lc(2) "6"
gosub TXTPL2
la(5) 6*8+4
gosubl DISPT
gosub TXTPL1
dt "Plaque N "
dc(2) #00
TXTPL1 c=rstk
golong PUTTIB
TXTPL2 dat0=c (b)
lc(2) " "
dat0=c (b)
lc(2) ":"
dat0=c (b)
lc(2) " "
dat0=c (b)
a=dat1 (m)
gosubl PUTAIB
; *********
; * TSTPL *
; *********
; First, let's test plaques themselves...
TESTPL c=0 (s) ; As these solution will be temporarely
r3=c (s) ; the bests, length is 0 (1 token)...
PL1 cd0ex
a=dat0 (m)
lc(16) #1
gosub TESTP
PL2 cd0ex
a=dat0 (m)
lc(16) #2
gosub TESTP
PL3 cd0ex
a=dat0 (m)
lc(16) #3
gosub TESTP
PL4 cd0ex
a=dat0 (m)
lc(16) #4
gosub TESTP
PL5 cd0ex
a=dat0 (m)
lc(16) #5
gosub TESTP
PL6 cd0ex
a=dat0 (m)
lc(16) #6
gosub TESTP
a=r3 (m) ; Get current distance
?a<>0 (m) ; I know, this is incredible, but no
rtnyes ; plaque is equal to solution... :-)
; Time measurements => mark end
; gosbvl #067D2 ; Restore registers
; a=0 (a)
; a=a+1 (a)
; r0=a
; gosbvl #06537
; inton
; a=dat0 (a) ; Return to RPL
; d0=d0+ 5
; pc=(a)
gosubl CLS
gosubl INITD
gosub TSTPL1
dt " Le compte est bon..."
dc(2) #00
TSTPL1 c=rstk
gosubl PUTTIB
la(5) 1
gosubl DISPT
a=0 (a)
gosubl REVERT
gosubl INITD
TOTP a=r4 (m)
gosubl PUTAIB
la(5) #000C ; Line 1.5
gosubl DISPT
lc(5) #578 ; 1400 .1 BEEP
d=c (a)
lc(5) #64
gosubl MYBEEP
; ********************************
; * Test a single value (plaque) *
; ********************************
TESTP d=c (w) ; Save history
c=r4 (m) ; Value to reach
?a>c (m)
goyes TP1
acex (m)
TP1 a=a-c (m) ; This is the distance
c=r3 (m) ; Compare it to old one
?cb (m) ; If C is 0 or 1, no needs to multiply nor divide
goyes OP2DM
goto OP2DS ; skip multiplication and division
OP2DM d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies from scratch
gosubl MULT ; Multiply A(M) per C(M), result into A(M)
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP1
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Restore lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Restore greater number
d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies
gosubl DIVIDE ; Divide A(M) per C(M). result into B, remainder into A
?a<>0 (m) ; Remainder not null ?
goyes OP2DS1
a=b (m)
dat1=a (m) ; Write result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x9 : divide (/)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP1D
OP2DS1 d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Get lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Get greater number
OP2DS ?a=c (m) ; If A=C no needs to substract numbers
goyes OP2DE
a=a-c (m) ; Compute substraction
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
lc(1) #A ; Token 0xA : '-'
d=c (p)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP1S
OP2DE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
c=rstk ; Drop orders pointer save
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; ***************************
; * 1 operation and GENERAL *
; ***************************
SOP1 c=rstk ; When called by gosub
dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 on stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 on stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (cb (m) ; If C is 0 or 1, no needs to multiply nor divide
goyes OP1DM
goto OP1DS ; skip multiplication and division
OP1DM d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies from scratch
gosubl MULT ; Multiply A(M) per C(M), result into A(M)
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
c=rstk ; Restore order pointer and re-save it
r2=c (a)
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Restore lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Restore greater number
d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies
gosubl DIVIDE ; Divide A(m) per C(m). result into B, remainder into A
?a<>0 (m) ; Remainder not null ?
goyes OP1DS1
a=b (m)
dat1=a (m) ; Write result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x9 : divide (/)
gosubl TEST
c=rstk ; Restore order pointer and re-save it
r2=c (a)
OP1DS1 d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Get lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Get greater number
OP1DS ?a=c (m) ; If A=C no needs to substract numbers
goyes OP1DE
a=a-c (m) ; Compute substraction
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
lc(1) #A ; Token 0xA : '-'
d=c (p)
gosubl TEST
c=rstk ; Restore order pointer and re-save it
r2=c (a)
OP1DE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; **********************************************
; * 1 operation, no substraction, and GENERAL *
; **********************************************
SOP1S c=rstk ; When called by gosub
OP1S dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 on stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 on stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (cb (m) ; If C is 0 or 1, no needs to multiply nor divide
goyes OP1SDM
goto OP1SDE ; skip multiplication and division
OP1SDM d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies from scratch
gosubl MULT ; Multiply A(M) per C(M), result into A(M)
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
c=rstk ; Restore order pointer and re-save it
r2=c (a)
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Restore lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Restore greater number
gosubl DIVIDE ; Divide A(M) per C(M). result into B, remainder into A
?a<>0 (m) ; Remainder not null ?
goyes OP1SDE
a=b (m)
dat1=a (m) ; Write result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x9 : divide (/)
gosubl TEST
c=rstk ; Restore order pointer and re-save it
r2=c (a)
OP1SDE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; ****************************************
; * 1 operation, no division and GENERAL *
; ****************************************
SOP1D c=rstk ; When called by gosub
OP1D dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 on stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 on stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (cb (m) ; If C is 0 or 1, no needs to multiply nor divide
goyes OP1DDM
goto OP1DDS ; skip multiplication and division
OP1DDM d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies from scratch
gosubl MULT ; Multiply A(M) per C(M), result into A(M)
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
c=rstk ; Restore order pointer and re-save it
r2=c (a)
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Get lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Get greater number
OP1DDS ?a=c (m) ; If A=C no needs to substract numbers
goyes OP1DDE
a=a-c (m) ; Compute substraction
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
lc(1) #A ; Token 0xA : '-'
d=c (p)
gosubl TEST
c=rstk ; Restore order pointer and re-save it
r2=c (a)
OP1DDE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; ****************************************************
; * 1 operation and GENERAL - Direct call by GENERAL *
; ****************************************************
OP1 dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
c=r2 (a)
rstk=c ; Saves order pointer
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 on stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 on stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (cb (m) ; If C is 0 or 1, no needs to multiply nor divide
goyes DOP1DM
goto DOP1DS ; skip multiplication and division
DOP1DM d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies from scratch
gosubl MULT ; Multiply A(M) per C(M), result into A(M)
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
c=rstk ; Restore order pointer and re-save it
r2=c (a)
gosubl GENERAL
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Restore lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Restore greater number
d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies
gosubl DIVIDE ; Divide A(M) per C(M). result into B, remainder into A
?a<>0 (m) ; Remainder not null ?
goyes DOP1DS1
a=b (m)
dat1=a (m) ; Write result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x9 : divide (/)
gosubl TEST
c=rstk ; Restore order pointer and re-save it
r2=c (a)
gosubl GENERAL
DOP1DS1 d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Get lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Get greater number
DOP1DS ?a=c (m) ; If A=C no needs to substract numbers
goyes DOP1DE
a=a-c (m) ; Compute substraction
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
lc(1) #A ; Token 0xA : '-'
d=c (p)
gosubl TEST
c=rstk ; Restore order pointer and re-save it
r2=c (a)
gosubl GENERAL
DOP1DE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
c=rstk ; Drop orders pointer save
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; -------------------- Operations that ends a skelletton ---------------------
; *********************************
; * 5 operations and nothing else *
; *********************************
SOP5F c=rstk ; When called by gosub
OP5F dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 on stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 on stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (cb (m) ; If C is 0 or 1, no needs to multiply nor divide
goyes OP5FDM
goto OP5FDS ; skip multiplication and division
OP5FDM d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies from scratch
gosubl MULT ; Multiply A(M) per C(M), result into A(M)
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP4F
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Restore lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Restore greater number
d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies
gosubl DIVIDE ; Divide A(M) per C(M). result into B, remainder into A
?a<>0 (m) ; Remainder not null ?
goyes OP5FDS1
a=b (m)
dat1=a (m) ; Write result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x9 : divide (/)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP4FD
OP5FDS1 d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Get lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Get greater number
OP5FDS ?a=c (m) ; If A=C no needs to substract numbers
goyes OP5FDE
a=a-c (m) ; Compute substraction
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
lc(1) #A ; Token 0xA : '-'
d=c (p)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP4FS
OP5FDE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; *********************************
; * 4 operations and nothing else *
; *********************************
SOP4F c=rstk ; When called by gosub
OP4F dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 on stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 on stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (cb (m) ; If C is 0 or 1, no needs to multiply nor divide
goyes OP4FDM
goto OP4FDS ; skip multiplication and division
OP4FDM d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies from scratch
gosubl MULT ; Multiply A(M) per C(M), result into A(M)
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP3F
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Restore lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Restore greater number
d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies
gosubl DIVIDE ; Divide A(M) per C(M). result into B, remainder into A
?a<>0 (a) ; Remainder not null ?
goyes OP4FDS1
c=a (m)
dat1=a (m) ; Write result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x9 : divide (/)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP3FD
OP4FDS1 d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Get lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Get greater number
OP4FDS ?a=c (m) ; If A=C no needs to substract numbers
goyes OP4FDE
a=a-c (m) ; Compute substraction
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
lc(1) #A ; Token 0xA : '-'
d=c (p)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP3FS
OP4FDE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; ***************************************************
; * 4 operations, no substraction, and nothing else *
; ***************************************************
SOP4FS c=rstk ; When called by gosub
OP4FS dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 on stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 on stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (cb (m) ; If C is 0 or 1, no needs to multiply nor divide
goyes OP4FSDM
goto OP4FSDE ; skip multiplication and division
OP4FSDM d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies from scratch
gosubl MULT ; Multiply A(M) per C(M), result into A(M)
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP3F
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Restore lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Restore greater number
gosubl DIVIDE ; Divide A(M) per C(M). result into B, remainder into A
?a<>0 (m) ; Remainder not null ?
goyes OP4FSDE
a=b (m)
dat1=a (m) ; Write result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x9 : divide (/)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP3FD
OP4FSDE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; **********************************************
; * 4 operations, no division and nothing else *
; **********************************************
SOP4FD c=rstk ; When called by gosub
OP4FD dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 on stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 on stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (cb (m) ; If C is 0 or 1, no needs to multiply nor divide
goyes OP4FDDM
goto OP4FDDS ; skip multiplication and division
OP4FDDM d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies from scratch
gosubl MULT ; Multiply A(M) per C(M), result into A(M)
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP3F
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Get lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Get greater number
OP4FDDS ?a=c (m) ; If A=C no needs to substract numbers
goyes OP4FDDE
a=a-c (m) ; Compute substraction
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
lc(1) #A ; Token 0xA : '-'
d=c (p)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP3FS
OP4FDDE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; *********************************
; * 3 operations and nothing else *
; *********************************
SOP3F c=rstk ; When called by gosub
OP3F dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 on stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 on stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (cb (m) ; If C is 0 or 1, no needs to multiply nor divide
goyes OP3FDM
goto OP3FDS ; skip multiplication and division
OP3FDM d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies from scratch
gosubl MULT ; Multiply A(M) per C(M), result into A(M)
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP2F
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Restore lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Restore greater number
d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies
gosubl DIVIDE ; Divide A(M) per C(M). result into B, remainder into A
?a<>0 (m) ; Remainder not null ?
goyes OP3FDS1
a=b (m)
dat1=a (m) ; Write result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x9 : divide (/)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP2FD
OP3FDS1 d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Get lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Get greater number
OP3FDS ?a=c (m) ; If A=C no needs to substract numbers
goyes OP3FDE
a=a-c (m) ; Compute substraction
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
lc(1) #A ; Token 0xA : '-'
d=c (p)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP2FS
OP3FDE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; ***************************************************
; * 3 operations, no substraction, and nothing else *
; ***************************************************
SOP3FS c=rstk ; When called by gosub
OP3FS dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 on stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 on stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (cb (m) ; If C is 0 or 1, no needs to multiply nor divide
goyes OP3FSDM
goto OP3FSDE ; skip multiplication and division
OP3FSDM d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies from scratch
gosubl MULT ; Multiply A(M) per C(M), result into A(M)
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP2F
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Restore lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Restore greater number
gosubl DIVIDE ; Divide A(M) per C(M). result into B, remainder into A
?a<>0 (m) ; Remainder not null ?
goyes OP3FSDE
a=c (m)
dat1=c (m) ; Write result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x9 : divide (/)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP2FD
OP3FSDE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; **********************************************
; * 3 operations, no division and nothing else *
; **********************************************
SOP3FD c=rstk ; When called by gosub
OP3FD dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 on stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 on stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (cb (m) ; If C is 0 or 1, no needs to multiply nor divide
goyes OP3FDDM
goto OP3FDDS ; skip multiplication and division
OP3FDDM d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies from scratch
gosubl MULT ; Multiply A(M) per C(M), result into A(M)
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP2F
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Get lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Get greater number
OP3FDDS ?a=c (m) ; If A=C no needs to substract numbers
goyes OP3FDDE
a=a-c (m) ; Compute substraction
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
lc(1) #A ; Token 0xA : '-'
d=c (p)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP2FS
OP3FDDE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; *********************************
; * 2 operations and nothing else *
; *********************************
SOP2F c=rstk ; When called by gosub
OP2F dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 on stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 on stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (cb (m) ; If C is 0 or 1, no needs to multiply nor divide
goyes OP2FDM
goto OP2FDS ; skip multiplication and division
OP2FDM d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies from scratch
gosubl MULT ; Multiply A(M) per C(M), result into A(M)
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP1F
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Restore lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Restore greater number
d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies
gosubl DIVIDE ; Divide A(M) per C(M). result into B, remainder into A
?a<>0 (m) ; Remainder not null ?
goyes OP2FDS1
a=b (m)
dat1=a (m) ; Write result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x9 : divide (/)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP1FD
OP2FDS1 d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Get lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Get greater number
OP2FDS ?a=c (m) ; If A=C no needs to substract numbers
goyes OP2FDE
a=a-c (m) ; Compute substraction
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
lc(1) #A ; Token 0xA : '-'
d=c (p)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP1FS
OP2FDE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; ***************************************************
; * 2 operations, no substraction, and nothing else *
; ***************************************************
SOP2FS c=rstk ; When called by gosub
OP2FS dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 on stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 on stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (cb (m) ; If C is 0 or 1, no needs to multiply nor divide
goyes OP2FSDM
goto OP2FSDE ; skip multiplication and division
OP2FSDM d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies from scratch
gosubl MULT ; Multiply A(M) per C(M), result into A(M)
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP1F
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Restore lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Restore greater number
gosubl DIVIDE ; Divide A(M) per C(M). result into B, remainder into A
?a<>0 (m) ; Remainder not null ?
goyes OP2FSDE
a=b (m)
dat1=a (m) ; Write result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x9 : divide (/)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP1FD
OP2FSDE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; **********************************************
; * 2 operations, no division and nothing else *
; **********************************************
SOP2FD c=rstk ; When called by gosub
OP2FD dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 on stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 on stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (cb (m) ; If C is 0 or 1, no needs to multiply nor divide
goyes OP2FDDM
goto OP2FDDS ; skip multiplication and division
OP2FDDM d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies from scratch
gosubl MULT ; Multiply A(M) per C(M), result into A(M)
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP1F
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Get lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Get greater number
OP2FDDS ?a=c (m) ; If A=C no needs to substract numbers
goyes OP2FDDE
a=a-c (m) ; Compute substraction
dat1=a (m) ; Push result onto stack
lc(1) #A ; Token 0xA : '-'
d=c (p)
gosubl TEST
gosub SOP1FS
OP2FDDE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; ********************************
; * 1 operation and nothing else *
; ********************************
SOP1F c=rstk ; When called by gosub return address is into rstk
OP1F dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 from stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 from stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (c Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Restore lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Restore greater number
d0=d0+ 12
d0=d0+ 12 ; Don't remove copies
gosubl DIVIDE ; Divide A(M) per C(M). result into B, remainder into A
?a<>0 (m) ; Remainder not null ?
goyes OP1FDS1
a=b (m)
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x9 : divide (/)
gosubl TEST
OP1FDS1 d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Get lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Get greater number
OP1FDS ?a=c (m) ; If A=C no needs to substract numbers
goyes OP1FDE
a=a-c (m) ; Compute substraction
lc(1) #A ; Token 0xA : '-'
d=c (p)
gosubl TEST
OP1FDE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; *************************************************
; * 1 operation, no substraction and nothing else *
; *************************************************
SOP1FS c=rstk ; When called by gosub return address is into rstk
dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 from stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 from stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (c Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Restore lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Restore greater number
gosubl DIVIDE ; Divide A(M) per C(M). result into B, remainder into A
?a<>0 (m) ; Remainder not null ?
goyes OP1FSDE
a=b (m)
d=d+1 (p) ; -> Token 0x9 : divide (/)
gosubl TEST
OP1FSDE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; *********************************************
; * 1 operation, no division and nothing else *
; *********************************************
SOP1FD c=rstk ; When called by gosub return address is into rstk
dat0=c (a) ; Saves return address
d0=d0+ 5
a=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 1 from stack
dat0=a (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
d1=d1- 12
c=dat1 (m) ; Pop number 2 from stack
dat0=c (m) ; Saves it into scratch area
d0=d0+ 12
?c<=a (m) ; Orders numbers (c Token 0x8 : multiply (*)
gosubl TEST
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m) ; Get lower number
d0=d0- 12
a=dat0 (m) ; Get greater number
OP1FDDS ?a=c (m) ; If A=C no needs to substract numbers
goyes OP1FDDE
a=a-c (m) ; Compute substraction
lc(1) #A ; Token 0xA : '-'
d=c (p)
gosubl TEST
OP1FDDE dsr (w) ; Drop history
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore second number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d1=d1+ 12
d0=d0- 12 ; Restore first number
a=dat0 (m)
dat1=a (m)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; return to caller
; ****************************************************************
; ****************************************************************
; ** **
; ** ROUTINES DE CALCUL - Copies des versions 48 / Optimises **
; ** **
; ****************************************************************
; ****************************************************************
; ******************
; * Multiplication *
; ******************
; Multiplie A(M) par C(M) Rsultat dans A(M)
; A appeler de prfrence pour C csrb (m)
goyes MULT1
a=a+b (m)
MULT1 b=b+b (m)
?c<>0 (m)
goyes MULT0
; ************
; * Division *
; ************
; Divide A(M) per C(M) result in B(M), remainder in A(M)
DIVIDE c=0 (s)
?c>=a (m)
goyes DIVIDE1
DIVIDE0 csl (m)
c=c+1 (s)
?c C is Max(Val to test, Val to reach)
T1 c=c-a (m) ; Compute distance
a=r3 (m) ; Old distance
?a no carry...
b=b-1 (s) ; Push => one data needed less
gonc T3 ; If more data to get => T3
; There A(S) contains number of op. needed - 1, let's compare...
c=r3 (w) ; Get old length
?c<=a (s) ; Old length smaller ?
rtnyes ; So ignore it...
st=1 (0) ; There is something to display...
?c=0 (m) ; Sol reached ?
goyes T5
r3=a (s) ; save new length
c=d (w)
r1=c ; Save history into best history
rtn ; Let's look for an exact solution
; Time measurements => mark end
; gosbvl #067D2 ; Restore registers
; a=0 (a)
; a=a+1 (a)
; r0=a
; gosbvl #06537
; inton
; a=dat0 (a) ; Return to RPL
; d0=d0+ 5
; pc=(a)
r3=a (s) ; Saves new length
c=d (w)
r1=c ; Saves history into best history
; Let's reset pointers...
gosub TADDR
dc(5) ORDERS1-THERE ; Can't call TEST...
dc(5) ORDERS2-THERE ; 1 op. tree / Length is 1
dc(5) ORDERS3-THERE ; 2 op. tree / Length is 2
dc(5) ORDERS4-THERE ; 3 op. tree / Length is 3
dc(5) ORDERS5-THERE ; 4 op. tree / Length is 4
T4 b=b+1 (s) ; One data more needed...
a=a+1 (s) ; Incr. op. counter
goto T3 ; Iterate
TADDR a=0 (a)
a=r3 (s) ;
a=a-1 (s) ;
aslc ; A(A) = n op. - 1
b=a (a)
b=b+b (a) ; b= 2(n-1)
b=b+b (a) ; b= 4(n-1)
a=a+b (a) ; a= 5(n-1) = 5n-5
a=a+c (a)
a=dat1 (a)
dc(4) #5B18 ; c=pc ; c=THERE
THERE a=a+c (a) ; new orders pointer
r2=a (a)
d=0 (w) ; New history
d1(5)= SCRADDR
a=dat1 (a) ; Start of scratch area (stack)
d1=d1- 12
lc(5) #4D ; 6 * 12 + 5 nibs
a=a+c (a) ; Start of scratch (keep return to main)
golong GEN1
; ***********
; ***********
; Display the current best solution onto screen
b=a (a) ; Saves D0 in B(A)
d0(5)= #0010B ; Read alert
a=dat0 (p)
?abit=0 (3) ; Alert off
goyes DEB0
abit=0 (3) ; Turn off
goto DEB1
DEB0 abit=1 (3) ; Turn on
DEB1 dat0=a (p) ; Write value
d0(5)= ATTNC ; ATTN counter
a=dat0 (a)
?a<>0 (a) ; No ATTN pressed ?
goyes DEB2
goto D00
DEB2 a=a-1 (a) ; Decr. ATTN counter
dat0=a (a)
gosub INITD
gosub INTERR
dc(2) #00
INTERR c=rstk
gosubl PUTTIB
la(5) 7*8 ; Display on last line
gosubl DISPT
la(5) 55 ; 8*7 - 1
gosubl REVERT
d0(5)= #0010B ; Turn alert off
a=dat0 (p)
abit=0 (3)
dat0=a (p)
gosbvl #067D2
a=dat0 (a)
d0=d0+ 5
D00 a=b (a)
d0=a ; Restore D0
?st=1 (0) ; Is there a solution to display ?
goyes D0
pc=c ; Return to caller
D0 dat0=c (a) ; Saves caller address
d0=d0+ 5
c=d (w) ; Saves D(W) : history
dat0=c (w)
d0=d0+ 16
a=r1 ; Saves R1(W)
dat0=a (w)
d0=d0+ 16
a=r2 (a) ; Saves R2(A)
dat0=a (a)
d0=d0+ 5
a=r3 ; Saves R3(W)
dat0=a (w)
d0=d0+ 16
a=r4 (m) ; Saves R4(M)
dat0=a (m)
d0=d0+ 12
cd1ex ; Saves D1
dat0=c (a)
d0=d0+ 5
c=rstk ; Saves 2 levels of rstk
dat0=c (a)
d0=d0+ 5
dat0=c (a)
rstk=c ; Saves D0 onto Return stack
gosubl CLS
c=rstk ; Restore D0
d0=d0+ 5
c=r1 ; Histo
a=r3 (s) ; length
a=a+a (s)
DISP01 a=a+1 (s)
?a=0 (s)
goyes DISP02
csl (w)
goto DISP01
DISP02 cslc
dat0=c (w) ; Saves history
d0=d0+ 16
lc(5) #4 ; Line number, start on line 1,5 (line 0 is tittle)
dat0=c (a)
rstk=c ; Saves scratch pointer
CALC c=rstk ; Restore cratch pointer into D1
a=dat1 (a) ; Read line number
r2=a (a) ; Save it in R2
d1=d1- 16
a=dat1 (w) ; Restore history
CALC00 r1=a ; Saves history into R1
?a<>0 (p)
goyes CALC1
goto CALCT
CALC1 lc(1) #1 ; Token #1 : Push plaque 1
?a<>c (p) ; It's not Push 1, let's try Push 2....
goyes CALC2
b=a (a)
d1= PLAQUE1 ; Plaque 1 value
goto PUSH
CALC2 lc(1) #2 ; Token #2 : Push plaque 2
?a<>c (p) ; It's not Push 2, let's try Push 3....
goyes CALC3
b=a (a)
ad1ex ; Plaque 2 value
goto PUSH
CALC3 lc(1) #3 ; Token #3 : Push plaque 3
?a<>c (p) ; It's not Push 3, let's try Push 4....
goyes CALC4
b=a (a)
ad1ex ; Plaque 3 value
goto PUSH
CALC4 lc(1) #4 ; Token #4 : Push plaque 4
?a<>c (p) ; It's not Push 4, let's try Push 5....
goyes CALC5
b=a (a)
d1= PLAQUE4 ; Plaque 4 value
goto PUSH
CALC5 lc(1) #5 ; Token #5 : Push plaque 5
?a<>c (p) ; It's not Push 5, let's try Push 6....
goyes CALC6
b=a (a)
d1= PLAQUE5 ; Plaque 5 value
goto PUSH
CALC6 lc(1) #6 ; Token #6 : Push plaque 6
?a<>c (p) ; It's not Push 6, let's try Add (7)....
goyes CALC7
b=a (a)
d1= PLAQUE6 ; Plaque 6 value
PUSH c=dat1 (m)
dat1=c (m) ; Write value into scratch area
d1=d1+ 12
a=b (a)
aslc ; Next token
goto CALC00 ; Iterate
CALC7 gosub INITD ; Init display (it's an op., we'll display it)
lc(1) #7 ; Token #7 : Add numbers on stack
?a=c (p) ; It's Add
goyes CALC7OK
goto CALC8 ; It's not Add, let's try multiply (8)
CALC7OK d1=d1- 12
a=dat1 (m) ; Read one number on stack
gosub PUTAIB ; Write it into buffer
lc(2) "+" ; Write operation
dat0=c (b)
d0=d0+ 2
d1=d1- 12
a=dat1 (m)
gosub PUTAIB
lc(2) "=" ; Write equal sign
dat0=c (b)
d0=d0+ 2
c=dat1 (m) ; Read number 1
d1=d1+ 12
a=dat1 (m) ; Read number 2
d1=d1- 12
a=a+c (m) ; Perform operation
dat1=a (m) ; Write result
d1=d1+ 12
gosub PUTAIB ; Put result in text buffer
aslc ; next token
dat1=a (w) ; Write history
a=r2 (a) ; Line number
a=a+8 (a) ; Next line
dat1=a (a) ; Saves it
cd1ex ; Saves scratch pointer
gosub DISPT ; Display text buffer on line A(A) of current GROB
goto CALC ; Iterate
CALC8 lc(1) #8 ; Token #8 : Multiply numbers on stack
?a<>c (p) ; It's not Multiply let's try Divide (9)
goyes CALC9
d1=d1- 12
a=dat1 (m) ; Read one number on stack
gosub PUTAIB ; Write it into buffer
lc(2) "*" ; Write operation
dat0=c (b)
d0=d0+ 2
d1=d1- 12
a=dat1 (m)
gosub PUTAIB
lc(2) "=" ; Write equal sign
dat0=c (b)
d0=d0+ 2
c=dat1 (m) ; Read number 1
d1=d1+ 12
a=dat1 (m) ; Read number 2
d1=d1- 12
gosubl MULT ; Perform operation
dat1=a (m) ; Write result
d1=d1+ 12
gosub PUTAIB ; Put result in text buffer
aslc ; next token
dat1=a (w) ; Write history
a=r2 (a) ; Line number
a=a+8 (a) ; Next line
dat1=a (a) ; Saves it
cd1ex ; Saves scratch pointer
gosub DISPT ; Display text buffer on line A(A) of current GROB
goto CALC ; Iterate
CALC9 d1=d1- 12 ; Read number 1
a=dat1 (m)
d1=d1- 12 ; Read number 2
c=dat1 (m)
?a>c (m) ; Order them
goyes CALC90
acex (m)
CALC90 dat1=c (m) ; Re-write lower number
d1=d1+ 12
dat1=a (m) ; Re-write greter number
d1=d1+ 12
a=r1 ; Restore history
lc(1) #9 ; Token #9 : Divide numbers on stack
?a<>c (p) ; It's not Divide let's try Substract (A)
goyes CALCA
d1=d1- 12
a=dat1 (m) ; Read one number on stack
gosub PUTAIB ; Write it into buffer
lc(2) "/" ; Write operation
dat0=c (b)
d0=d0+ 2
d1=d1- 12
a=dat1 (m)
gosub PUTAIB
lc(2) "=" ; Write equal sign
dat0=c (b)
d0=d0+ 2
c=dat1 (m) ; Read number 1
d1=d1+ 12
a=dat1 (m) ; Read number 2
d1=d1- 12
gosubl DIVIDE ; Perform operation
a=b (m)
dat1=a (m) ; Write result
d1=d1+ 12
gosub PUTAIB ; Put result in text buffer
aslc ; next token
dat1=a (w) ; Write history
a=r2 (a) ; Line number
a=a+8 (a) ; Next line
dat1=a (a) ; Saves it
cd1ex ; Saves scratch pointer
gosub DISPT ; Display text buffer on line A(A) of current GROB
goto CALC ; Iterate
CALCA d1=d1- 12
a=dat1 (m) ; Read one number on stack
gosub PUTAIB ; Write it into buffer
lc(2) "-" ; Write operation
dat0=c (b)
d0=d0+ 2
d1=d1- 12
a=dat1 (m)
gosub PUTAIB
lc(2) "=" ; Write equal sign
dat0=c (b)
d0=d0+ 2
c=dat1 (m) ; Read number 1
d1=d1+ 12
a=dat1 (m) ; Read number 2
d1=d1- 12
a=a-c (m) ; Perform operation
dat1=a (m) ; Write result
d1=d1+ 12
gosub PUTAIB ; Put result in text buffer
aslc ; next token
dat1=a (w) ; Write history
a=r2 (a) ; Line number
a=a+8 (a) ; Next line
dat1=a (a) ; Saves it
cd1ex ; Saves scratch pointer
gosub DISPT ; Display text buffer on line A(A) of current GROB
goto CALC ; Iterate
CALCT gosub INITD ; Initialize text buffer
d1=d1- 12
a=dat1 (m) ; Get last computed value
cd1ex ; Saves D1
TOTAL2 c=r4 (m) ; Value to reach ; Should be checked ! (changed by DISP ??)
?a<>c (m) ; Approximation ?
gosub TLCEB
dt " Le compte est bon..."
dc(2) #00
TLCEB c=rstk ; Text address
c=rstk ; Drop D1 save
gosub PUTTIB
la(5) 1
gosub DISPT ; Flush text buffer onto line 0 of current grob
a=0 (a)
gosubl REVERT
lc(5) #578 ; 1400 .1 BEEP
d=c (a)
lc(5) #64
gosub MYBEEP
goto CALCT2
dt "Valeur : "
dc(2) #00
APP c=rstk
d1=c ; D1 = address of text
gosub PUTTIB ; Put text in buffer
d1=c ; restore D1
a=dat1 (m) ; read value reached
gosub PUTAIB ; Write it as text in buffer
lc(2) " "
dat0=c (b)
d0=d0+ 2
lc(2) "("
dat0=c (b)
d0=d0+ 2
a=r4 (m) ; Desired value
gosub PUTAIB
lc(2) ")"
dat0=c (b)
d0=d0+ 2
a=0 (a)
gosub DISPT ; Display text on line 0
lc(5) #1B8 ; 440 .1 BEEP
d=c (a)
lc(5) #64
gosub MYBEEP
CALCT2 c=rstk
d0=c ; Restores D0
c=dat0 (a)
rstk=c ; Restores 2 levels of rstk
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
d1=c ; Restores D1
d0=d0- 12
c=dat0 (m)
r4=c (m) ; Restore R4(m)
d0=d0- 16
c=dat0 (w)
r3=c ; Restore R3(W)
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
r2=c (a) ; Restore R2(A)
d0=d0- 16
c=dat0 (w)
r1=c ; Restore R1(W)
d0=d0- 16
c=dat0 (w)
d=c (w) ; Restore D(W) : history
st=0 (0) ; Solution has been displayed...
d0=d0- 5
c=dat0 (a)
pc=c ; Return to caller
; ***************************
; * Subroutines for DISPLAY *
; ***************************
; *** MYBEEP : copy de la routine de beep sans inton/intoff ni test ATTN
MYBEEP d0(5)= #80850
a=dat0 (b)
?abit=1 (3)
?d=0 (a)
b=c (a)
c=0 (w)
c=b (a)
c=d (a)
d0(5)= #80655
a=0 (w)
a=dat0 (a)
asl (w)
a=a+c (w)
c=c+c (w)
gosbvl #65807
c=0 (w)
p= 0
lc(2) #44
a=a-c (w)
gonc BEEP1
a=0 (w)
BEEP1 lc(2) #14
gosbvl #65807
c=0 (w)
c=c-1 (x)
?c>=a (w)
goyes BEEP2
a=c (w)
BEEP2 r3=a
gosbvl #53EE4
c=0 (w)
lc(4) #4E20
gosbvl #53EE4
c=0 (w)
lc(5) 68000
c=c+a (w)
d=c (w)
a=a+c (w)
c=d (w)
gosbvl #65807
a=a-1 (w)
gonc BEEP3
a=0 (w)
BEEP3 c=a (w)
d=c (w)
b=c (x)
d1(5)= #0012e
c=dat1 (s)
c=0 (a)
dat1=c (1)
d0(5)= #807F7
d1(5)= #80642
c=dat1 (x)
cbit=1 (11)
p=c (2)
cbit=0 (11)
BEEP6 out=c
a=b (x)
BEEP5 a=a-1 (x)
gonc BEEP5
cpex (2)
d=d-1 (w)
gonc BEEP6
BEEP4 c=dat1 (x)
d1(5)= #0012e
dat1=c (s)
p= 0
; **** INITD Init Display Pointers and fill buffer with spaces
lc(2) #16 ; 22 spaces max
b=c (b)
lc(2) " " ; Character to fill buffer with
INITD1 d0=d0- 2
dat0=c (b) ; Write char
b=b-1 (b) ; 1 char less
?b<>0 (b) ; More chars to write ?
goyes INITD1
rtn ; Finished, D0 contains buf start
; **** PUTTIB Put text pointed by D1, terminated by 00 into buffer (pointed by D0)
PUTTIB a=dat1 (b) ; Read char
?a=0 (b) ; End of string ?
dat0=a (b)
d0=d0+ 2
d1=d1+ 2
; **** PUTAIB Write A(W) as text into buffer
; --> Champ M bidouille temporaire
PUTAIB c=0 (w)
c=a (m)
a=c (w)
asr (w)
asr (w)
asr (w)
PUTAWIB d=0 (w) ; Decimal representation of A(w)
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -1-
dsl (w) ; Multiply D per 10
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -2-
dsl (w) ; Multiply D per 10
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -3-
dsl (w) ; Multiply D per 10
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -4-
dsl (w) ; Multiply D per 10
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -5-
dsl (w) ; Multiply D per 10
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -6-
dsl (w) ; Multiply D per 10
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -7-
dsl (w) ; Multiply D per 10
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -8-
dsl (w) ; Multiply D per 10
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -9-
dsl (w) ; Multiply D per 10
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -10-
dsl (w) ; Multiply D per 10
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -11-
dsl (w) ; Multiply D per 10
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -12-
dsl (w) ; Multiply D per 10
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -13-
dsl (w) ; Multiply D per 10
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -14-
dsl (w) ; Multiply D per 10
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -15-
dsl (w) ; Multiply D per 10
c=0 (w)
lc(1) #a
gosbvl #65807 ; Divide per 10
c=b (p)
d=c (p) ; Remainder is between 0 and 9... -16-
?d<>0 (w)
goyes PUTAIB1
lc(2) "0"
dat0=c (b)
d0=d0+ 2
PUTAIB1 lc(2) #10
PUTAIB2 ?d<>0 (p) ; Remove leading zeroes
goyes PUTAIB3
c=c-1 (b)
dsr (w)
goto PUTAIB2
PUTAIB3 a=c (b)
lc(2) "0" ; Char #30, numbers are #3x
PUTAIB4 c=d (p)
dat0=c (b) ; Write char
d0=d0+ 2
dsr (w)
a=a-1 (b)
?a<>0 (b) ; More chars ?
goyes PUTAIB4
; **** DISPT Force display of buffer on line A(A) of current GROB
DISPT D0=(5) #806DA
c=dat0 (a) ; Address of current GROB
d0=d0+ 15
c=dat0 (a) ; Read width
c=c+7 (a) ; Compute width in qu. 2 * IP((width+7)/8)
c=c/2 (a)
c=c/2 (a)
c=c/2 (a)
c=c+c (a)
d=c (a) ; D(a) = width in nibbles
d0=d0+ 5 ; Start of data
b=c (a) ; B=size of line
DISP0 ?a=0 (a) ; Compute address of line
goyes DISP1
c=c+b (a)
a=a-1 (a)
goto DISP0
DISP1 d0=c ; address in grob
lc(5) #16 ; 22 chars
a=0 (a) ; Left margin
b=0 (a)
D1(5)= BUFFER ; Start of text
govlng #11D8F ; Display text (Govlng to spare 1 rstk level...)
; * Clear screen
CLS d0=(5) #806DA ; Current grob address
c=dat0 (a)
d0=d0+ 5
c=dat0 (a)
c=c-15 (a)
c=c/2 (a)
d0=d0+ 15
a=0 (b)
cls1 ?c=0 (a)
dat0=a (b)
d0=d0+ 2
c=c-1 (a)
goto cls1
; **** revert text line A(A) of current GROB
REVERT D0=(5) #806DA
c=dat0 (a) ; Address of current GROB
d0=d0+ 15
c=dat0 (a) ; Read width
c=c+7 (a) ; Compute width in qu. 2 * IP((width+7)/8)
c=c/2 (a)
c=c/2 (a)
c=c/2 (a)
c=c+c (a)
d=c (a) ; D(a) = width in nibbles
d0=d0+ 5 ; Start of data
b=c (a)
REV0 ?a=0 (a)
goyes REV1
c=c+b (a)
a=a-1 (a)
goto REV0
REV1 d0=c
a=b (a) ; 9 lignes a inverser
a=a/2 (a)
b=b+b (a)
b=b+b (a)
b=b+a (a)
REV2 ?b=0 (a)
c=dat0 (b)
c=-c-1 (b)
dat0=c (b)
d0=d0+ 2
b=b-1 (a)
goto REV2
; ************************************************************************
; * ORDERS : This is a dump of an exhaustif / optimized exploration tree *
; ************************************************************************
ORDERS6 ; Dump of 6-data / 5 op.
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
DISP_001 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
DISP_002 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
DISP_003 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
DISP_004 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
DISP_005 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
DISP_006 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
DISP_007 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
DISP_008 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
DISP_009 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
DISP_010 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
DISP_011 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
DISP_012 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
DISP_013 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
DISP_014 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
DISP_015 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
DISP_016 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
DISP_017 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
DISP_018 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
DISP_019 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
DISP_020 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
DISP_021 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
DISP_022 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
DISP_023 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
DISP_024 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
DISP_025 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
DISP_026 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2-GENHERE ; 2 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
DISP_027 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
DISP_028 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
DISP_029 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
DISP_030 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
DISP_031 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP5F-GENHERE ; 5 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
DISP_032 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
ORDERS5 ; Dump of 5-data / 4 op.
DISP_033 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
DISP_034 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
DISP_035 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
DISP_036 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
DISP_037 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
DISP_038 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
DISP_039 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
DISP_040 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
DISP_041 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
DISP_042 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
DISP_043 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
DISP_044 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
DISP_045 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
DISP_046 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP4F-GENHERE ; 4 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
DISP_047 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
ORDERS4 ; Dump of 4-data / 3 op.
DISP_048 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
DISP_049 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
DISP_050 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1-GENHERE ; 1 operations then next order
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
DISP_051 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP3F-GENHERE ; 3 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
DISP_052 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
ORDERS3 ; Dump of 3-data / 2 op.
DISP_053 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP2F-GENHERE ; 2 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
DISP_054 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
ORDERS2 ; Dump of 2-data / 1 op.
DISP_055 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) PUSH1-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 1
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) OP1F-GENHERE ; 1 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1F-GENHERE ; 1 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1F-GENHERE ; 1 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1F-GENHERE ; 1 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1F-GENHERE ; 1 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH2-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 2
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) OP1F-GENHERE ; 1 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1F-GENHERE ; 1 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1F-GENHERE ; 1 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1F-GENHERE ; 1 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH3-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 3
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) OP1F-GENHERE ; 1 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1F-GENHERE ; 1 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1F-GENHERE ; 1 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH4-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 4
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) OP1F-GENHERE ; 1 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1F-GENHERE ; 1 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) PUSH5-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 5
dc(5) PUSH6-GENHERE ; Push plaque n 6
dc(5) OP1F-GENHERE ; 1 operations and nothing else
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
DISP_056 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...
ORDERS1 ; Dump of 1-data / 0 op.
DISP_057 dc(5) DISPLAY-GENHERE ; Display current solution
dc(5) EXIT-GENHERE ; Exit current level...