Accueil > Réalisations > Publications > Ouvrages > Ouvrages sur la HP48 s/sx > HP48 Machine Language - A Journey to the Center of the HP48 s/sx - Read the (...)

HP48 Machine Language - A Journey to the Center of the HP48 s/sx - Read the book online

mardi 12 juin 2007, par Paul Courbis

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hp48ml - page 349 - Courbis, acteur de l'Internet depuis 1988
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RPL Commands

(c) Courbis   349h ttp:  //ww  w.c  our  bis.  com  PD Ff iles  av aila  ble on  htt p:// ww  w.c  our bis .co m-  Re  dis trib  utio  no  rm irro rin gs  tric  tly pro hib  ited  .  OTIME #017h 23 #198BEh TLINE #0CFh 207 #1E3C2h TMENU #15Bh 347 #2115Dh TOT #12Ch 300 #1FEEAh TRANSIO #174h 372 #2204Ch TRN #0AFh 175 #1D392h TRNC #06Dh 109 #1BDD1h TRUTH #0E0h 224 #1E6E1h TSTR #01Dh 29 #19992h TVARS #025h 37 #1A1AFh TYPE #0A6h 166 #1CB86h UBASE #00Eh 14 #19771h UFACT #00Fh 15 #197A5h OUNIT #00Dh 13 #1974Fh UPDIR #023h 35 #1A15Bh UTPC #134h 308 #2001Ah UTPF #136h 310 #2005Ah UTPN #135h 309 #2003Ah UTPT #137h 311 #2007Ah UVAL #00Ch 12 #1971Bh VAR #12Dh 301 #1FF05h  VARS #024h 36 #1A194h VO #0B4h 180 #1DD06h OV2 #0B5h 181 #1DE66h OV3 #0B6h 182 #1DEC2h VTYPE #0A7h 167 #1CE28h *W #0BEh 190 #1E170h WAIT #037h 55 #1A71Fh WSLOG #013h 19 #19848h GX #123h 291 #1FDF7h GX^2 #125h 293 #1FE2Dh XCOL #132h 306 #1FFDAh XMIT #167h 359 #21E75h XOR #0E8h 232 #1E8F6h XPON #069h 105 #1BC45h XRNG #0DAh 218 #1E621h  XROOT #04Ah 74 #1B185h GX*Y #127h 295 #1FE63h GY #124h 292 #1FE12h GY^2 #126h 294 #1FE48h YCOL #133h 307 #1FFFAh YRNG #0DBh 219 #1E641h + #044h 68 #1AB67h + #045h 69 #1ACDDh - #046h 70 #1AD09h * #047h 71 #1ADEEh / #048h 72 #1AF05h ^ #049h 73 #1B02Dh ! #0EBh 235 #1EBBEh K #0EDh 237 #1ECFCh ? #0ECh 236 #1EC5Dh L #0EEh 238 #1ED9Bh = #03Bh 59 #1A8D8h  == #0E9h 233 #1E972h M #0EAh 234 #1EA9Dh ! #063h 99 #1BB02h F #0FCh 252 #1F1D4h F #0FDh 253 #1F223h J #0F7h 247 #1EF7Eh J #0F8h 248 #1EFD2h % #07Ch 124 #1C060h I #03Fh 63 #1AABDh G #0FEh 254 #1F2C9h G+ #11Eh 286 #1FD61h G- #11Fh 287 #1FD8Bh E #04Fh 79 #1B374h -- #0FFh 255 #1F354h -- #100h 256 #1F3F3h . #10Bh 267 #1FAEBh  #104h 260 #1F640h #105h 261 #1F996h #106h 262 #1F9AEh  Alphabetizedforlibrary#700h: C$ #01Bh 27 #23813h CASE #019h 25 #2378Dh DIR #01Bh 27 #23813h DO #007h 7 #230C3h ELSE #002h 2 #22FB5h END #003h 3 #22FD5h END #016h 22 #23694h END #017h 23 #236B9h FOR #00Ah 10 #231A0h GROB #01Bh 27 #23813h HALT #00Eh 14 #23472h IF #000h 0 #22EC3h  IFERR #00Dh 13 #233DFh NEXT #00Bh 11 #2324Ch PROMPT #01Ch 28 #23824h REPEAT #006h 6 #2305Dh START #009h 9 #23103h STEP #00Ch 12 #23380h THEN #001h 1 #22EFAh THEN #018h 24 #2371Fh THEN #01Ah 26 #237A8h UNTIL #008h 8 #230EDh WHILE #005h 5 #23033h XLIB #01Bh 27 #23813h n' #012h 18 #2361Eh z. #011h 17 #235FEh z. #013h 19 #23639h O #004h 4 #22FEBh O #010h 16 #234C1h ' #014h 20 #23654h ' #015h 21 #23679h  #00Fh 17 #2349Ch  C.RPLCommands  PM65-006.p65 11/07/2001,09:22349
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